Detailed below is a standard package of breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea as well as some optional extras.
£32 Breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea
£5 Soup, breads and wraps
£12 Hand held supper
£32 p/h, 30 people minimum
We pride ourselves on our flexibility and we will always find a menu that will suit your budget and crew size!
Extra costs
Gas – £45 (per day)
Generator – £10 (per hour)
Petrol – £1.50 p/m
Travel day – £650
Weekday overtime – After 10 hours’ base to base – £60p/h p/p
Weekend overtime – After 10 hours’ base to base – £100p/h p/p
Weekend overtime extra
Early call charge (Leave base before 4:30) – £120
Saturday charge £250
Sunday charge £500
Night Shoot £650